Ayurveda & the chakras

Sep 16, 2024

Did you know that Ayurveda and the chakras are related? Of course they are! Ayurveda is an all-encompassing ancient science of healing that recognizes the connection of ourselves to the outside world. It knows we are more than just this bag of bones and muscles. We are energy as well. The chakras are also associated with organ systems near the area of the chakra.

Chakras are the main energy points in the body - vortexes if you will. If these energy vortexes get mucked up, blocked, etc - energy stops flowing and can contribute to dis-ease and dis-harmony in the body, whether physical, spiritual or psychological. There are dozens of chakras but we typically focus on the 7 main ones. Ayurveda's doshas- vata, pitta & kapha - are associated with the chakras as well as the Ayurvedic herbs we use.

Many different things such as aromatherapy (as seen in the photo above), herbs, movements, meditations, mudras, mantras, yoga postures, gemstones & healing energy work such as reiki, and more can be used to help balance the chakras.Here are some basics of the chakras.

  • 1- Root chakra (muldahara) is associated with the color red and resides at the base of the spine. When it is open, we feel confident and grounded. When blocked, we can feel insecure, unsafe or more. The root chakra is associated with Vata (need to know more about the doshas? Read my earlier blog posts)
  • 2- Sacral chakra (svadhisththana), associated with the color orange, is located just below the naval. Its primary focus is on creativity and reproductive energy. When it's open we feel creative energy flowing, but when blocked, we can feel lack of control. It is affiliated with both vata & pitta doshas.
  • 3 - Solar plexus (manipurna), and the color yellow, is right near the navel. This is the center of our being - the core of who we are and our control. If it's open, you are confident and emotionally stable. If blocked, you may feel overwhelmed, shame, self-doubt and low self esteem. The solar plexus is affiliated with pitta.
  • 4 - Heart (Anahata) is located in the center of the chest and relates to the color green. It is the transition from the lower chakras to the upper chakras. If it is open, you will feel deep compassion, empathy and love. If blocked you may have difficulties in relationships, including with yourself. You may also be holding on to stuck emotions & could feel depressed. The heart chakra is affiliated with all the chakras: vata, pitta & kapha. They all play a role for different reasons with the heart.
  • 5 - Throat (vishuddha) is located at - you guessed it - the throat! It is blue and has to do with our ability to communicate and express. If open, you freely can speak your truth clearly. If blocked, you may feel like your voice is suppressed or cannot speak freely for some reason. You may have thyroid or other physical issues. The throat is affiliated with vata and kapha.
  • 6 - Brow (ajna) - is located between our eyebrows and the color is indigo. If it is open, your intuition, clarity and the ability to see everything is maximized. If blocked you may experience headaches, lack of clarity and concentration. The brow is associated with vata & pitta.
  • 7 - Crown (sahasrara) - is located at the top of the head and the color is purple. This is our true wisdom and our connection with higher consciousness. When balanced, it brings bliss and enlightenment. If blocked, you may feel stubborn, skeptical and with a narrow mind. It is associated with the vata dosha.

So as you can see, there is much to learn about the chakras. This is the tiniest overview of them - there is SO much to study!!!!

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