Sep 16, 2024
This may be a new word for you! This is an Ayurvedic term and a very important concept that loosely relates to the immune system and is the finest byproduct of kapha production in our body. It is not only a subtle concept but can also be described as a physical one as well. Mainly residing in the heart and also circulating throughout our body, it is described as being a substance similar to the look/feel of honey and in total 8 drops! If you remember the qualities of the kapha dosha, Ojas is the subtle essence of the kapha dosha and is related to our vitality and immunity. Low ojas can cause illness, advanced aging, weakness, fatigue and low libido. A person with great ojas has a glow to them and rarely gets sick! It's important to support our ojas by incorporating foods such as organic milk (if tolerated and taken properly with heating it first), ghee, almonds (preferably soaked), dates, broth, get plenty of rest, exercise & follow a vata pacifying diet/lifestyle (be careful if you're a mostly kapha constitution). This time of year & change of season (vata time!) is an excellent time to focus on building your ojas as we are susceptible to colds and illnesses.
(Image courtesy of google creative commons)