Spring detox
Sep 16, 2024
Are you prone to spring allergies or colds or just want a re-set prior to the next season? You may want to consider a gentle cleanse.
But why detox you ask? Because we are a microcosm of the macrocosm, we need to adjust our diet and routines along with the seasons in order to flow with them in harmony and ease. This is known in Ayurveda as ritucharya. For example, we know that influenza has a season that it affects people the most as well as allergies. Why is that? And how can we help ourselves stay healthy?
According to Ayurveda, diseases are most often generated in between seasons. These junctions are very vulnerable times and it can be seen with an increase of illness such as flu when fall turns to winter, and allergies and colds when winter turns to spring (or other times of year). Knowing your constitution and adopting Ayurvedic seasonal routines can help you stay well amidst the changes that could otherwise cause imbalance in illness.
Right now what we see happening at this time of year is the kapha (earth & water) that has built up over the winter (by adjusting our lifestyle to counteract vata during the winter) is now melting. This melting and increase kapha going into kapha season (spring - which is cold, damp, wet and heavy) is what causes a person to be vulnerable to allergies, colds, post nasal drip and other allergies. It's important to adopt a kapha pacifying diet and lifestyle.
One thing to consider is a gentle cleanse. A full panchakarma cleanse can be done if you have the adequate resources (such as travelling to a center or even India) but a simpler home cleanse can also be done. The main stay of a home cleanse is a mono diet of kitchari (see recipe attached) and lots of oil & ghee. If this is something you may be interested in, now is the time! Contact me and I can help guide you through a simple home cleanse based on your constitution.