The Kapha Dosha
Sep 16, 2024
The foundation of Ayurveda is based on the 5 elements which further evolve into 3 doshas (or constitutions). The 5 elements are space/ether, air, fire, water & earth. These are the building blocks of everything from the human body & mind, seasons, plants and animals like. We are born with all 3 doshas in different ratios that are genetically determined - this is called our prakruti and it does not change. All doshas are important for the functioning of life, but do have their pros and cons if you are susceptible to one or another. Over time, because of diet and lifestyle choices as well as time (seasonal changes, time of life, etc) our dosha ratios can become out of balance. This imbalance is called our vikruti.
Kapha comes together with water and earth. Its qualities are heavy, slow, cool, oily, slimy, dense, soft, smooth & stable. Kapha, like the earth itself, is responsible for the physical structure & stability of our body, including our bones, muscles, tendons & ligaments. It is the glue that holds our body together as well as the lubrication it needs to run smoothly. Think of synovial fluid for joint movement, pleural fluid for breathing, & pericardial fluid for beating of the heart. Kapha individuals are sweet, loving, calm & peaceful with a stable, steady demeanor & good memory. However they can be too attached to emotions and can suffer from depression, greed, envy and inability to forgive. They can also be prone to being overweight, lung & heart diseases and other issues affecting the muscular & skeletal systems. Kapha is very intertwined with the immune system as well.
Spring starts to bloom new life and growth, it is damp but still cool, and everything is melty. These are classic kapha qualities and contribute to colds, runny noses, lung congestion and allergies. Late spring may bring even more issues such as allergies and sinus irritation. Kapha qualities are heavy, stable, cold, smooth, oily, dense, soft, cloudy & gross.
To stay healthy this spring or if you are having a general kapha imbalance at any other time, follow these guidelines:
- Kapha soothing diet:
- Qualities of hot, dry & light
- Foods that are baked, broiled & grilled
- Warm foods over cold
- Warming spices (Black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon & cloves)
- Warming oils for massage (sesame or mustard)
- Add bitter foods such as dandelion, greens, leeks
- Oily foods (cheese, ice cream)
- Heavy foods such as dairy & wheat
- Sugar
- Daytime sleep
In addition, favor:
- Dress in warm, bright colors (yellows, oranges etc)
- Strong fragrances such as eucalyptus
- Yoga practices such as sun salutations
- Pranayam such as bhastrika
- Nasya oil for the sinuses
- Steam inhalation
- Vigorous exercise
** Photo taken by myself at Sadhana Mandir ashram in Rishikesh India