The pitta dosha

Sep 16, 2024

In Ayurveda, the seasons relate to the doshas we have already discussed (Kapha=earth + water; vata=air + space; pitta = fire + water). As you can imagine, summer is definitely pitta time. We are no longer in the in-between transition of seasons (which is an excellent time to do a cleanse!) Now is the time to adjust our habits to account for the extra heat in our environment and subsequently within ourselves. Summer can be prone to overheating, headaches, rashes, diarrhea, heartburn, agitation & anger, and more. These are all pitta issues. Follow some of these simple tips to balance pitta this summer: 

 - It can be easy to go go go in summer time, but the intensity of pitta calls for deeper relaxation and grounding your energy.  
- Stay hydrated! Water can be cool or room temperature (try to avoid too much ice though). Add some fresh lime to your water or mix it up with coconut water!
- Meals should be lighter and smaller. Favor the sweet, bitter & astringent tastes. 
-Decrease foods that are heating: coffee, alcohol, meats, & greasy foods 
- Incorporate herbs such as cumin, fresh cilantro, lime, rose, & fennel
- If you do daily oil massage, switch to coconut oil
- Dress in light, breathable cotton clothes, favoring lighter colorings light whites, grays, blues, purples and greens
- Be in bed by 11pm at the latest, lay on your right side while sleeping
-Exercise in the early part of the day - avoid mid-day exercise (during pitta time from 11a-2p). Swimming is an excellent form of exercise which is stimulating without being too heating and can actually be cooling to pitta. Yoga should be gentle and light - think yin/restorative or gentle hatha.

Photo taken by myself at the Bauddhanath stupa in Khatmandu, Nepal

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