The Vata Dosha

Sep 16, 2024

We watch in fall as the air becomes cooler and crisper, the leaves start to dry up and fall off and the world turns a little more inward. These are all qualities of vata: dry, light, cool, rough, subtle, and mobile. We can see these in nature and also within ourselves. It is important to shift how we live our life and take care of ourselves especially during seasonal transitions, which can lead us to being more susceptible to seasonal illnesses.  In fact, Vata is the cause for 70% of dis-eases and imbalances. It is the only dosha that can "push" the other doshas due to its mobile and subtle qualities. What that means it it can cause pitta and kapha to go out of balance as well. Each dosha has "home" and vata resides in our large intestine. When it gets out of control, it can go outside its home and into other areas of our body, causing a multitude of issues. We can see dry skin, anxiety, allergies, asthma, trouble sleeping, you name it. So what are some things you can do about it??  

Here are some practical things you can do to balance your vata:  

- Think warming herbs & spices: Add ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric and black pepper and to your soups, teas and desserts.
- Switch foods from any cold, dry, crunchy or raw foods to cooked soups and stews.  
- Routine, routine, routine!! One of the best things to balance vata. Keep to a daily routine & create your own daily rituals. Sleep is especially important (and proper sleep timings - in bed by 10pm, up around 6am). Make sure you have a solid morning and evening routine and keep the bed & wake times and mealtimes the same. (Morning - up around 6am; bed between 9-10pm; Breakfast (if not fasting - which can cause excess vata) by 8am or so; lunch between 11-1 and should be the heaviest meal of the day and supper around 6pm and lighter. 
- Grounding yoga postures such as standing mountain, tree, child's pose, forward bends, and legs up the wall. Also knees to chest (AKA wind reliever pose!)
- Oil! Whether it's an external oil massage with sesame oil before a shower or adding extra ghee to your diet, oil is THE best thing to bring down vata. Not to be done while a lady is on her cycle or is pregnant OR if there are significant toxins in the body. 
- Change of season is an excellent time to consider a gentle fall kitchari "cleanse" or rather "re-set" is how I prefer to call it :) Don't know how? Schedule an appointment today and find out. 
. - Self care! Maybe this consists of more meditation, amping up your yoga practice, or getting a massage. 


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