Tips for getting through fall unscathed!

Sep 16, 2024

Follow these tips - it's not to late to make seasonal changes!!!

As mentioned before, change of season is as beautiful as it can be difficult on our bodies. Vata energy is high with any shift but we are also going into Vata season, making it even more challenging. 

Here are a few tips for anybody's constitution to ease into the season of fall and eventually winter:
- Avoid cold or iced beverages - favor warm water and teas
- Avoid raw vegetables and salads
- Cooked foods especially one pot meals are excellent right now and through winter
- Oil massage (abhyanga) before showering is one of the best ways to counteract vata
- Slow down! Curl up with a good book, take more down time. It's ok to so no to extra activities!
- Spend more time in nature and less time on screens
- Keep a routine with sleeping and eating - the 2nd best thing you can do to combat vata!

Now is also a great time to consider a seasonal re-set (aka cleanse or detox) to get rid of excess pitta from the summer and tone down vata that is currently happening to set us up right for the next season.  


Dive even deeper....

There are many great resources to learn more about managing and balancing our systems for the fall season.


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