Vastu shastra is basically Ayurveda's version of Feng Shui (of Chinese Medicine). It is said that Vastu (or Vastu Shastra) pre-dates Feng Shui and is where Feng Shui got its origins (as well as Chinese medicine and acupuncture itself - more about that later). A basic principle of Ayurveda is that we are a microcosm of our macrocosm - we are not separate from nature and this includes our surroundings, whether natural or created (i.e. homes). The way the energy flows within our homes based on the elements (and Jyotish - see last week's newsletter!) can affect us greatly. The way our home is arranged is one way we can help create balance within our home and within ourselves. One simple thing you can do is sleep with your head facing south (feet facing North) to promote better sleep. Some things in our home simply we cannot structurally changed, but there are things we can do to help balance energy blockages. 

Did you know... there is a town, Fairfield Iowa, that was completely build based on Vastu principles?! Also located in this town is the Maharishi University, which also bases its foundation in Vastu, meditation and Jyotish. Did you know that large successful corporations use principles of Vastu, such as Microsoft, NASA, & Amazon? Their success is no coincidence.